Establishing a New Student Chapter
The Information about how to start a chapter can be found here, but it will also help to read the attached three documents:
- Quick Guide for Establishing a Student Chapter Outside the United States
- Guidelines for Establishing a Student Chapter
- Blank “Statement of Intent to Establish” form
To summarize, the first steps for student leaders are:
- Find at least 12 student members from the university to form the student chapter to complete page 1 of the Statement of Intent. They must register for complimentary ASCE student membership and include the university’s name in their membership record to be eligible.
- Find a faculty member who is a voting member of ASCE (associate grade or higher) to serve as the chapter’s faculty advisor (page 2 of Statement of Intent).
- Find two local voting ASCE members (associate grade or higher) who are working in the field of civil engineering to serve as practitioner advisors (page 3 of Statement of Intent). The practitioner advisors cannot be academicians.
- Obtain written endorsement from the local ASCE section or branch for page 4 of Statement of Intent.
- With the guidance of the advisors, students must plan one year’s worth of developmental activities for the members of their student chapter (pages 6-7 of Statement of Intent). If you would like, I can send you a list of the types of activities that the student leadership committee wants to see when they review student chapter applications.
- Obtain the written endorsement of the head of the university’s civil engineering department (page 8 of Statement of Intent).
- Submit the Statement of Intent with a copy of the university’s undergraduate civil engineering curriculum included as the last pages of the .pdf, to us at your earliest convenience. The curriculum should be no longer than 10 pages.