ASCE Foundation
The Foundation is passionate about the advancement of civil engineer’s leadership development and advancing diversity within the profession.
Welcome to ASCE INDIA Northern Region Section!
Making a positive change in our communities is possible… but only if we start now, set our sights high, and work together.
Bringing The Global Civil Engineering Community Together.
The American Society of Civil Engineers represents more than 150,000 members of the civil engineering profession in 177 countries. Founded in 1852, ASCE is the nation’s oldest engineering society.
ASCE stands at the forefront of a profession that plans, designs, constructs, and operates society’s economic and social engine – the built environment – while protecting and restoring the natural environment.
Upcoming Student Chapter Events
ASCE has shown me how people of many talents and skills come together to build the world around us.
I have the confidence to embrace any challenge, from public speaking to leadership, through the opportunities that ASCE has provided me with.
ASCE continuously guides me to career success in a rapidly changing world.
ASCE is a leading provider of technical and professional conferences and continuing education, the world’s largest publisher of civil engineering content, and an authoritative source for codes and standards that protect the public.